Installing WifiRanger on Our Motorhome Dutchie

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Installing WifiRanger on Our Motorhome Dutchie

Kris and I both own businesses, so internet connection for us is extremely important while we're traveling in Dutchie! After doing some online research and reading about other RV owners using WiFiRangers, we decided a WiFIRanger EliteAC Pack would be a must for keeping our companies running while on the road.

We were sent the WifiRanger EliteAC to test out (thank you WifiRanger!) and in my first video you’ll learn about the different components, why we choose the WifiRanger and what exactly it does.

Installing WiFiRanger wasn't difficult, but a few extra parts are helpful. I mounted the antenna on our ladder and used a small piece of pipe to make sure the antenna was higher than the highest point on our roof. It's important the antenna has a clear line of sight. Mounting the pipe to the ladder I used the following RAM Mount components:

To tape the cable to our roof (it's rubber), from the ladder and to the front of our motorhome I used:

In the video I also show you how to use the web based interface. During our five week road trip we used WiFiRanger numerous times and are extremely happy with it's performance! Please let me know if you have questions after watching the video!

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